A Summary of Holtan Hills:

January 2024 Update:

Three Anchorage Assembly Members laid the HLB disposal, commonly known as Holtan Hills, on the table at the December 19th 2023 assembly meeting. The sponsors include Meg Zaletel, Daniel Volland and Kevin Cross. The South Anchorage assembly members, who represent Girdwood, Randy Sulte and Zac Johnson, were given notice minutes before the meeting began about the laid on the table item. Girdwood Board of Supervisors were also not made aware of the item being laid on the table.

The public hearing(s) scheduled for this item are set for January 9th and January 23rd, 2024 at the Anchorage Assembly regular meetings.

To view the most recent Assembly Ordinance, AO 2023-137 click here.

To view the associated Assembly Memorandum click here.

The municipal assembly website states:

CLERK’S NOTE: It is the intent of the sponsor to continue this item to the meeting of January 23rd. Ordinance No. AO 2023-137, an ordinance authorizing the competitive disposal of portions of Heritage Land Bank Parcels 6-011, 6-016, and 6-017, legally described as Tract I Prince Addition Alyeska Subdivision (Plat 87-131)(PID 075-311-04-000), Tract B Girdwood Elementary School Subdivision (Plat 85-38)(PID 075-031-32-000), and Tract 9A Section 9 Township 10 North Range 2 East (Plat 73-220)(PID 075-041-31-000), to CY Investments LLC as described in the Development Agreement between the developer and the Municipality of Anchorage dated April 29, 2022, and amend the Heritage Land Bank 2021 Assembly Memorandum No. AM 1009-2023.

December 2022 Update:

The land sale/transfer (disposal) of parcels containing “Holtan Hills,” a 60-acre development of CY Investments located in Girdwood, is scheduled for vote at the Anchorage Assembly on December 6, 2022. The regular assembly meeting will begin at 5:00 PM. The public hearing portion is scheduled to begin at 6:00 PM. As of now, the disposal is the 2nd hearing item on the agenda. We encourage all those in the community with an opinion on the matter to come testify in front of Anchorage Assembly decision makers.

Girdwood Inc believes this disposal is relevant, as it represents a large portion of developable lands in Girdwood. As of this time, all lots are set to be market-rate, with no community housing or lots set aside for workforce housing, which we believe is a top priority for our community.

What does GBOS say?

The GBOS subcommittee, Holtan Hills Housing Advisory Committee (HHHAC) on October 24th sent a letter to Girdwood Board of Supervisors stating “In conclusion the HHHAC does not support the Holtan Hills Development in its current form.” After hearing from HHHAC, Girdwood Board of Supervisors passed a Resolution of Support for Revision or Revocation of the Development Agreement between Heritage Land Bank (HLB) and CY Investments to address Girdwood community housing needs.”  The resolution ended with “THEREFORE, GBOS cannot support the disposal of land under the Holtan Hills Development Agreement, to which the Girdwood community has consistently voiced their objection; ALSO, the GBOS and the Holtan Hills Housing Advisory Committee see tremendous value in developing the Holtan Hills lands in a way that benefits the Girdwood community as well as the MOA and requests that the HLB and MOA engage in open dialog to address Girdwood’s concerns and needs.”

Many Girdwood residents testified in opposition to the project at the September Heritage Land Bank Advisory Committee (HLBAC) Public Hearing. On October 27th, despite non-support of the Girdwood community, HLBAC voted in favor of the disposal 5-1, with several suggested amendments to the Development Agreement. The vote was done by private ballot. After an ombudsman complaint was filed for violation of Open Meetings Act, the HLBAC was required to re-vote in November. This time, the item was passed, again with amendments proposed incorporated into the Anchorage Assembly Ordinance with 3 in favor, 1 no, 1 abstention and 2 absent.

Girdwood Board of Supervisors voted to send a formal letter of objection regarding the development agreement on November 21, 2022.

Girdwood Inc agrees with Girdwood Board of Supervisors, which has repeatedly stated identified community concerns regarding the RFP/Holtan Hills Project including process, infrastructure & impact study, indirect link to housing and housing affordability.

To learn more about this project, please visit www.girdwoodinc.org and read Newsletters Issue I-V.  If you have any questions, please email girdwoodinc99587@gmail.com. Also, please keep your eye on Girdwood Inc. Facebook page in the event of changes to the Assembly Meeting Agenda, etc.

Assembly Members held their first worksession on 11-4-2022. View the recording here.

Assembly Members held their second worksession 12-2-2022. View the recording here. The current S version, which is the document going to vote on December 6th is available for your review at the Assembly Member Worksession Page or available here.

HLBAC Recordings and Amendments:

Girdwood community members testified at the Heritage Land Bank Advisory Committee (HLBAC) on September 22, 2022. View the recording here.

HLBAC held a special meeting on October 13, 2022. View the recording here.

HLBAC needed to re-vote on the disposal at their November 17, 2022 meeting, as the first one did not account for commissioners individual votes. Recording (Note from HLB website: Res 2022-09 Passed, with a 3-1 vote, however it was misstated in the recording that it did not pass)​ HLB added the following amendments, which they only recommended disposal if these amendments were included:

1. All developers must submit applications for land use entitlements to the Girdwood Board of Supervisors (GBOS) for review prior to seeking official action by the designated decisionmaking body.

2. CY Investments LLC will restrict the use of any property in Holtan Hills, Phase I, to not
include short-term rentals less than 30 days in duration, with a sunset provision eliminating
this restriction when local ordinance is adopted otherwise regulating short term rentals.

3. Construction access through Hightower Road is prohibited.

4. CY Investments LLC will restrict twenty-five percent (25%) of the developed multi-family
units to be identified and set apart for rental development and not sold individually.

5. The Developer continues to engage with the Girdwood Holtan Hills Housing Advisory
Committee as the project progresses. You can read the full resolution here.

Holtan Hills Housing Advisory Committee Communications:

Holtan Hills  Housing Advisory Committee Letter RE: Status report 10.24.22
MOA Trombley response to HHHAC request 10.22​
HHHAC Letter RE Holtan Hills Project 9.22

Girdwood Board of Supervisors Communications Regarding Holtan Hills:

GBOS Letter to MOA RE Holtan Hills 6.22.22​

2022-14 Holtan Hills​ – Resolution in Support of Amendment of the Development Agreement between Heritage Land Bank and CY Investments to Address Girdwood Community Housing Needs 7.22.2022

2022-23 Amendment or revocation of Holtan Hills Development Agreement – 10.24.2022

Letter of Objecting: 2022-23 Amendment or revocation of Holtan Hills Development Agreement 11.28.2022

Summary previously published (June 2022):

Many people say, “I don’t know enough about what is going on.” We hope this summary will catch you up to speed on the series of events that have transpired and respective dates. Read the full resolution here.

In April 2021, without consulting the Girdwood community, Heritage Land Bank released an RFP to develop 150 acres. The RFP did not appear on their annual work plan, which was adopted by assembly only 43 days prior to RFP release.

Initially, the RFP had a response time of about 38 days. Due to complaints from members of the public to assembly members regarding the rushed nature, the timeline was pushed back another 23 days. This is a total of 61 days from the RFP being published, to the time responses were due. Given the magnitude of project, and its affect and impacts on the surrounding community, this RFP seemed to move forward without public consultation with the Girdwood community.

Two responses were submitted. The winning RFP response was determined with a “Selection Committee.” This committee was chosen by HLB staff. It consisted of 9 members. 7 of the 9 were/are municipal employees or contractors. The selection committee received the proposals via email on Tuesday, June 15. The memo released June 29 includes “All members were able to join a call on June 22, except Mr. Romerdahl who received a verbal summary of questions and discussion immediately following the call from HLB Land Management Officer Shelley Rowton. Each member then provided their final scoresheets before Noon on June 23.” This means no individual who is not a municipal employee and lives in Girdwood Valley Service Area participated on the call. One member on the call had been a long-time resident of Upper Crow Creek and also been employed by Pomeroy (a proposal submitter), which should have been declared a conflict of interest, but was apparently not.

“All members of the Selection Committee ranked Pomeroy Property Development, Ltd and partners Seth Anderson, P.E. and CY Investments, LLC as the superior proposal. Both respondents to the RFP have been notified of the results, and negotiation with the Pomeroy partnership group will begin at the conclusion of the appeal window.” (Appeals were required prior to the submissions, or by the other applicant within days.)

A factor that has come up repeatedly, is the question if the development entity receiving disposal of land is different than who was awarded as winner per the memo. To the public, it appeared Pomeroy, Seth Anderson and CY Investments were partners, but as the project is proposed today, Pomeroy and Anderson are not involved. It appears CY Investments is the only entity involved with Holtan Hills, which is fundamentally different than having a vested business and stakeholder in the community no longer involved (Pomeroy) in the (now publicly known to be) around 60 acre development.

Per Anchorage Muncipal Code “The disposal responsibility of the Heritage Land Bank is, at the direction of the mayor and assembly, to convey from municipal ownership Heritage Land Bank land or interests in land which is not needed for specific public facilities or purposes. Each disposal shall be in the municipal interest, and based at or above appraised fair market value or for other equivalent municipal values or objectives, under the procedures specified in section 25.40.025.” All of the above events had been done under an Acting Mayor, who was most likely unaware of the lack of HLB’s community engagement with Girdwood, scale and potential impacts.

Days after holding the selection committee, head of HLB and the Real Estate Department, Robin Ward, retires. A new director for Heritage Land Bank steps in 7/1/2021.

The Girdwood Community struggled to understand what was happening. The winning RFP had many redactions, and it was difficult to discern basic information about the project. These included more than personal finances of the partners. Redactions included the entire concept site plan (page 50 & 51) among many other examples. HLB had developers sign non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), thereby veiling the project from the public further.

In August of 2021, Girdwood Housing Working Group, followed by Land Use and GBOS votes passed this Resolution, asking that attainable housing be included in the development agreement for the 3 parcels being offered for disposal.

September 16, a new Real Estate Director and head of HLB is named: Jim Winegarner.

After Winegarner is not confirmed, assembly member asks who is in charge of Heritage Land Bank during an assembly meeting, the administration responds it is Adam Trombley. Trombley begins to oversee HLB and Real Estate Department.

In December of 2021, at the same moment that Girdwood Fire Department chauffeured Santa Claus around Girdwood, HLB held a public meeting about Holtan Hills. Despite the conflict of time, 100+ residents tuned in to the meeting. Many concerns came forward and the evening’s questions were eventually cut short. (Click here to watch recording of this.)

Disposal of Holtan Hills appeared on the published January 2022 HLB agenda. Six of the seven commissioners were brand new. Prior to the meeting, the agenda item was pulled, but concerned residents of Girdwood still showed up and spoke during public comment.

Residents of Girdwood formed a grass-roots Town Hall at Girdwood Chapel to address the social impacts that Holtan Hills development would create. This meeting had 80 attendees, which included Randy Sulte and John Weddleton, as well as GBOS members present or listening online. This Town Hall was held February 12th 2022.

Another staff change at HLB. HLB Cancels April Meeting.

Heritage Land Bank and CY Investments sign Holtan Hills Development ​Agreement​ dated April 29, 2022. It appears HLB Advisory Committee did not participate in negotiations or possibly evening viewing the document until after it had been signed (or at all).

HLB Cancels May meeting.

In April/May 2022, the Girdwood Chamber of Commerce Resolution underwent 2 meetings with their membership and voted to put forward a resolution to amend the development agreement to include workforce housing or should be cancelled.

In May/June 2022 this resolution was presented at Girdwood Land Use Committee and Girdwood Board of Supervisors meetings.

At it’s second Land Use Committee meeting in June (where residents are entitled to 1 person 1 vote) on June 13 , it passed with a vote of 42-1.

The following day was a LUC/GBOS Town Hall regarding Holtan Hills. It was very well attended with at least 150 participants in person and online. It’s been described as “spirited.” The first hour is presentation from the CY Investments development team. The remainder is questions and comments from the public.

At the June 20 2022 GBOS meeting, Supervisors discussed the Holtan Hills Town Hall. During the Town Hall, it was suggested creating a group of 5 residents to work with the developers. The following notice was issued:

“The Girdwood Board of Supervisors is assembling a Housing Advisory Committee of
approximately 5 members. The Committee will be responsible for representing the
community interests with the developer and HLB who are developing Holtan Hills for
residential housing. Nominations for individuals to be considered for appointment to the Holtan Hills Housing Advisory Committee should email their resume to: gbos@muni.org
Nominees must be eighteen (18) years of age or older and
a) a current resident and/or property owner, business owner or designated representative of a non-profit association, and;
b) who has resided in, owned property in, owned a business located in, or operated as a non-profit association for the preceding ninety (90) days or longer in Girdwood Valley.
Or via mail: GBOS – PO Box 390 Girdwood, AK 99587
Applications to be received by 5PM on Friday, July 1, 2022.”

GBOS tabled the Chamber’s resolution until next month to work through language edits. Instead, GBOS wrote a letter summarizing the various issued raised by the community at Town Hall and provided the letter to HLB and the administration.

Many Girdwood residents raised concerns to HLB on their meeting held 6-23-2022. One HLB Commissioner asked for the development agreement to be emailed to him because he had not seen it. Commissioner Wilbanks requested a work session on Holtan Hills. This worksession would eventually be held on October 13, 2022. Recording

Other relevant information and links:

Request for Proposal (RFP) 

Evaluation Committee Memo​
HLB Parcel 6-011 Plat 87-131
HLB Parcel 6-016 Plat 85-38
HLB Parcel 6-017 Plat 73-220
Suppleme​ntal Documents

Worksession No. 2 re Holtan Hills, AO 2022-103 Competitive Disposal of HLB Parcels to CY Investments Documents – December 2, 2022:

DRAFT Concept Plan Phases I-III  (This will change throughout the Planning/Platting process.) Source: HLB website 6/2022.

Governmental Timelines:

10/26/20 – Public Review Period for 2021 Work Plan begins

12/11/20 – End of 45 day public review period for 2021 Work Plan

2/23/21 – HLB 2021 Work Plan Approved by Assembly via Resolution 2021-25

4/7/21 – HLB Posts RFP (RFP was not mentioned on work plan, approved just 6 weeks prior)

4/20/21 – HLB Holds Meeting to Discuss RFP

5/14/21 – Original deadline to submit response to RFP

6/7/21 – Extended due date for submissions

6/29/21 – MOA Posts Selection Committee Results Memo (No elected officials on selection committee. HLB chose committee.)

7/15/21 – Approximate Date Negotiations Begin

12/22/2022 – HLB Presents to Girdwood

4/29/2022 – Date Development Agreement was signed

9/22/2022 – Heritage Land Bank Advisory Committee Public Hearing

10/27/2022 – HLBAC Votes to Dispose with amendments

11/4/2022 – Assembly worksession #1

11/17/2022 – HLBAC re-votes to dispose, again with amendments

12/2/2022 – Assembly worksession #2

12/6/2022 – Assembly Public Hearing on Disposal

1/13/2023 – Assembly Public Hearing Continued Special Meeting

2/7/2023 – Assembly votes to Indefinitely Postpone the Item.

12/19/2023 – Item is laid on the table for January 9 2024 Public Hearing

Girdwood Summer Solstice Dance Party! June 18th 7-11 PM

Summer Solstice Dance Party is ON! All ages welcome 7-9 PM. 9 PM and later is for 21+

The evening features two different live music bands and aerial silk performances by Kage Free. 7-9 PM Local Girdwood band, The River Livers, will kick us off. 9-11 PM will be full of 80s dance music from I Love Robots.

This event is a fundraiser for Girdwood, Inc. Not only are you enjoying a fun evening of dancing and music, but the sales help to support a local non-profit. We can’t wait to see you there!

Tickets are on sale now! GO TO: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/girdwood-summer-solstice-dance-party-tickets-344886614147

What is going on in Girdwood?

Many people think of Girdwood as a laid-back ski town, more about recreating, than business.  What lies behind the scenes is actually a very organized and impassioned group of citizens who focus on issues that matter to them most. Girdwood, Inc is one such example of a 501(c)3 voluntary board dedicated to our community. In this newsletter, we will summarize many different topics as relates to our neck of the woods, introduce a community champion and spotlight a regional organization.

Community Champion:

With spring in full swing and summer upon us, we wanted to spotlight Girdwood Bear Aware and its founder, Alayna DuPont. Girdwood Bear Aware is a sponsored organization of Girdwood, Inc.

Alayna moved to Girdwood five years ago to be closer to family and the mountains. She works for the National Park Service and her husband, Phil Zumstein, works at the Glacier District for the Chugach National Forest. She got the idea for Girdwood Bear Aware after early one morning, a bear casually opened their front door and sauntered inside. She was shocked to realize that this was not only accepted as commonplace in town but help for such an incident was an hour away. It felt like it was time for Girdwood to invest in localized and proactive strategies to reduce human-bear conflict. Working with community leadership, Alayna founded Girdwood Bear Aware (GBA). GBA is trained and permitted by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to respond when human-bear conflict occurs. While this effort has made an incredible impact, it is really in the hands of each community member to make the biggest difference.

A message from Alayna: “Being bear aware in Girdwood means we are all keeping garbage cans in a garage or secured with straps until the morning of pick up, taking down bird feeders from April-November, making sure dumpsters and public waste bins are always closed locked properly, and keeping doors locked and ground level windows closed. Coexisting with bears in Girdwood is a community issue, we are all in it together!”

The Mountain:

It appears our home Mount Alyeska was the snowiest resort in North America this winter, with well over 800” (60+ feet) of snow.  Many locals and visitors took advantage of the rare treat of weekend continuation of mountain lift operations into mid-May. It will be remembered as “one for the books,” memories of warm spring slush and deep powder days, leaving many hopeful participants wishing for repeat seasons like this.


Girdwood is emerging as a major Municipal and Alaskan attraction, the only destination resort like it in the State.  The Resort’s new Nordic Spa is world class and the community’s many other resources are attracting plenty of visitors. The spa is now open on a limited “Phase I” basis. We understand “Phase 2” to be open in about 45 days. The final addition of “Phase III” and full spa opening is expected this fall. At the top of the tram, Girdwood Inc.’s Roundhouse at Alyeska expects a lot of traffic this season with a strong showing of independent travelers and the reappearance of cruise ship passengers.

Land Use:

Growth and Girdwood’s widening appeal leads to challenges.  One is land, which is needed for commercial, residential, community and industrial needs.  Almost all the unencumbered land around Girdwood is held by the Municipalities’ Heritage Land Bank (HLB).  Girdwood Inc. has been meeting with Anchorage city leaders, advocating for the proper, beneficial use of these municipal lands.


While net growth is limited by a lack of available housing, we are seeing changes to our demographics.  Like many resort towns, housing is being taken by professionals, retirees and others who can decide to live here.  Another challenge is brought about by technology and web-based services that enable people to rent a house like a hotel room. While short term rental can contribute positively toward the local economy, it can simultaneously negatively affect local workforce such as long-term renter displacement.  Despite high buyer demand, very little inventory is coming up for sale. What does come up, sells very fast, usually with multiple offers and often higher than the asking price.


Numerous testimonies were provided to government committees and officials by local businesses regarding the severe staffing and housing shortage from restaurants, service companies and other employers.  As an example of the impact, many restaurants have limited their menus and hours of operation. Several businesses are having to tap the commuting workforce from Anchorage, which can be costly, unpredictable, and is prone to high staff-turnover.  The hiring challenge extends to several industries, with current and potential employees simply unable find a local place to live.

Holtan Hills:

Recent Girdwood Land Use Committee and Girdwood Board of Supervisor’s public meetings have seen an uptick of support for workforce housing be included in the new development project. Suggestions include restrictions to make this housing not eligible to short term rental.  As discussed in our previous newsletters, the Municipality’s Heritage Land Bank (HLB), has released a “Request For Proposal” (RFP) for development on a huge block of land. Part of this RFP land is commonly known as “Holtan Hills.”  Unfortunately, the current selected proposal lacks a clear plan for our most critical need, workforce housing, among other issues.  We are very supportive of development, but we also must do it right.  Visit Girdwood, AKA Girdwood Chamber of Commerce, recently put forward a proposed resolution calling for amending the selected RFP development plan to specifically include workforce housing or suggests the current development plan should be abandoned. This is a very important priority for us, and we encourage individuals and organizations to attend Girdwood Land Use Committee June 13th and write wwwhlb@muni.org in support of this resolution. Our previous newsletter referenced the April 28th HLB Advisory Commission meeting. This meeting was cancelled “due to staffing shortages” and indicated the next meeting date is May 26th. As of publication of this newsletter, meeting information and agenda has not been publicly noticed. We will post to our Facebook page and website when more information becomes available.


Another important challenge is the obvious lack of adequate childcare in Girdwood. This has become a significant barrier to a strong economy because an excellent service workforce has a high demand for childcare.  We have not found a solution to this, but along with Little Bears, are continuing to seek support for a project to build a new childcare facility in the valley.


Expanding visitor and other activity on the Seward Highway is putting an estimated 7% annual increase of traffic on a road which is already inadequate.  Girdwood Inc. is actively supporting three Highway projects including Seward and Alyeska Highway Intersection into Girdwood, improvements near the dall sheep viewing area, and the highway becoming four lanes with an adjacent bike/pedestrian path.  We are pleased these projects have gained support from the Governor and Department of Transportation. There are milestones where public support will be important.  These highway improvements will save many lives on Alaska’s bloodiest road, as well as reduce costly and frequent road closures.  We will update you in these newsletters, including when critical public comments are needed.


A project worth highlighting is the effort to build a new suspension bridge replacing the former hand tram crossing upper Winner Creek gorge.  This allows for a loop walk on a trail that has become very popular with Anchorage and outside visitors.  The hand tram has now been closed for several years and was not meeting demand at the location, which often resulted in long lines and wait times. We are among those advocating for funding, estimated at about $1.2 million. The goal is that the Forest Service would be ultimately become responsible for the stewardship of the bridge.

A degree of autonomy:

To address many of these issues, we emphasize the need for more decisions and responsibility to be borne by the Girdwood community, instead of back in Anchorage. With the distance between Anchorage and Girdwood, we have many characteristics of a rural town.  We have seen various examples of Anchorage municipal bodies struggling to handle unique Girdwood issues.  On a state level, Girdwood’s representation is being determined by the courts. Currently, there is a pending case, where Girdwood citizen plaintiffs have joined with East Anchorage to oppose new boundaries which would group Girdwood with Eagle River. The Superior court recently ruled in the Plaintiff’s favor but is currently being appealed in the Alaska Supreme Court. If you would like to contribute toward legal fees, you may do so at: https://gofund.me/eda14009

Spotlight Local Organization: Prince William Sound Stewardship Foundation

The Prince William Sound Stewardship Foundation began with Girdwood Inc.’s sponsorship in 2018. It is now a stand-alone 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping keep Prince William Sound healthy, clean, and wild for all to enjoy. Each year they lead summer volunteer projects in the Sound, including marine debris removal, invasive species mitigation, trail, and recreation site restoration. They also coordinate citizen science opportunities, such as mussels testing for paralytic shellfish poisoning.

Environmental stewardship, community building, and public education are at the heart of what they do. They are kicking off the summer with their annual Natural History Symposium in Whittier and online on May 23rd. For more information, to register for volunteer opportunities, attend the Natural History Symposium, or to become a member, visit www.princewilliamsound.org.

Coming up on May 29th from 11 AM – 4 PM is Girdwood Farmer Market in town square. This event will be held every other Sunday through September. Local vendors may sign up for booths at www.girdwoodfarmersmarket.com and we encourage patrons to come support local businesses and vendors.

Lastly, we hope you have been enjoying our newsletters and hope you can attend our Summer Solstice fundraiser on June 18th! Click here to purchase tickets to attend! Funds raised at this event will support future newsletters and help to keep the community informed on important issues. Until next time!

Congratulations 2022 Girdwood Graduates! Photo Credit: Julie Martyn Photography

Girdwood Inc Newsletter Issue II

Girdwood, Inc. is pleased to provide the 2nd issue of our newsletter. We do not claim to be journalists but are residents who deem it important to help keep the community informed.  Many Girdwood community organizations work with us, and we realize they are impacted by activities occurring now in Girdwood.

Girdwood, Inc.’s Mission is being “Girdwood’s Partner in Funding and Leadership”, and that has brought results. We remodeled, restored and now operate the Alyeska Roundhouse Museum. We raised funds to build the Gerrish Library and Community Room.  Girdwood Inc. holds or has held funds on behalf of the Girdwood Skate Park, Fungus Fair, Girdwood Community Garden and more. Many smaller community groups use the fiscal sponsorship of Girdwood, Inc.  By doing the basic bookkeeping for them, it makes it easier for committees to focus on tasks and achieve goals.  We invite non-profit groups that are doing positive deeds for Girdwood to explore whether we can help them.

Since our last newsletter, which focused on the Holtan Hills proposal, some very important changes have occurred. More than 40 Girdwood residents attended the Heritage Land Bank Advisory Commission (HLBAC) meeting on January 27, 2022. We would like to extend thanks to those who took the time out of their day to do so. The HLBAC is a 7-member board. This was the introduction of the 6 new commissioners to each other. Ron Tenny, who is the Girdwood Representative on the Heritage Land Bank Advisory Committee, is the sole pre-existing commissioner. 

First and foremost, the disposal of Holtan Hills has been pushed back until at least May 2022. Girdwood, Inc. sees this slow down as a positive step toward what we hope is much more community engagement in the planning process. But it is important that we don’t let this important project blend into the background and miss our opportunity to communicate and articulate community needs.  Anchorage must take Girdwood’s community feedback seriously and conscientiously.

After the December 22nd HLB Public Meeting presentation on Holtan Hills, Girdwood Inc. ran an informal poll asking “If you had to make a decision today regarding the Holtan Hills proposal, would you support it?” 247 Votes were received (approximately 10% of Girdwood’s population). 58% said “I need more information or want changes” 28% responded “No”, and 14% said “Yes.”   Based on these results, Girdwood Inc. finds it concerning that so many citizens do not support the project as currently presented.  

A Town Hall was held on February 12th which was arranged by several local residents. The meeting was held in person at Girdwood Chapel and via Zoom. There were talks and presentations given by speakers from Girdwood Clinic, Pastor Nico Reins of Girdwood Chapel and Girdwood Food Pantry, Girdwood Community Land Trust and Four Valleys Community School. This was followed by more than an hour of public testimony. Several Girdwood Board of Supervisors (GBOS) attended, as well as Assemblyman John Weddleton and candidate Randy Sulte. The testimony was quite moving in addressing the importance of Girdwood’s social services, infrastructure and business employment needs.

Emma Kramer makes notes from public comments at the February 12th Town Hall.

On February 24th, HLBAC held a meeting to focus on their Annual Work Plan Draft. In the plan, HLB identifies several large areas which are mapped as “Disposal in 2022.” Not only does this include Holtan Hills, but also parcels in Girdwood South Townsite and the Girdwood Industrial Park.

Source: Page 51 of HLB 2022 Annual Work Plan

At the meeting Commissioners Brett Wilbanks and Ron Tenny made comments that it would be appropriate for Heritage Land Bank (HLB) to complete needed updates to the Girdwood Area Plan and made calls for HLB to complete a site-specific impact study related to the disposals of the Holtan Hills parcels. Wilbanks stated the Girdwood community had “several valid concerns.” A Heritage Land Bank representative stated that the Anchorage School District and various agencies such as the Anchorage Planning Department have determined that “school impact was not a concern.” Ron Tenny gave the example that the school’s capacity could be impacted depending on how many of the lots are utilized by full time residents with children, which could overwhelm the school. 

In reference to the Girdwood Industrial Park, Commissioner Brett Wilbanks pointed out that HLB should not dispose of land when a municipal need is already established. Examples of this are that the Girdwood Fire Department normally utilizes an area for training in Phase II of the Industrial Park, as well as Girdwood Valley Service Area for equipment storage. HLB responded that a portion of land would be set aside for GVSA and would include space for the fire department within that area.  

Discussion continued regarding the Girdwood Industrial Park.  Bob Wolfe’s need for a power connection has been an agenda item at recent public meetings. Mr. Wolfe expressed frustration that after 20 years of operating in the valley, he does not have a long-term commitment from HLB and, because of this, he is unable to grow his business due to the insecurity of knowing he has a permanent place to operate.  In Phase II, permits are renewed annually and permittees only have days to vacate if directed by the land manager (HLB). Without site control, via ownership or long-term leases, permittees cannot build any permanent structures. This issue may be beginning to change in a positive direction as the first 5 lots in Phase I are in the process of transferring ownership to the Leasees.

Following these meetings, Bob Wolfe was thanked by Kyle Kelly and members of GBOS for helping to plow the Girdwood roads when the current contractor’s equipment was stuck on the Anchorage-side of the February 18th avalanche.  We hope this issue can be resolved, as Bob Wolfe plays a big role in keeping Girdwood businesses and residential areas open and safe via his snow plowing services.

Girdwood, Inc. board members recently participated in a meeting with former Breckenridge Mayor, John Warner, who explained how Breckenridge handled their critical workforce housing issues. He said that to start, you have to realize that if you can’t house your own workers, “you are just a resort, not a resort community”.  After selecting to move forward as a community, they prepared for their upcoming needs by land banking parcels for the future. In his opinion, projects that were 80% workforce and 20% market rate were economically viable.  They worked with trusted contractors to market and construct the developments. He said traditional rental units, as opposed to only homes for purchase, should be included in projects.  Breckinridge is now including them to continue to relieve pressure on the housing market. He also stressed the need for short-term rental prohibition via deed restriction be included in the new development.  Future buyers will know upfront about the property’s short-term rental restrictions and can take the restriction fully into account.  Breckenridge has about 5000 housing units and a max of 2200 short-term rental licenses. Such restrictions already exist in a number of Girdwood developments, so this is not an unusual or difficult stipulation.

If you are interested in getting more involved in this subject matter, we encourage you to participate at various meetings or send your comments to elected officials. This discussion will be continued at the Girdwood Board of Supervisors and Girdwood Land Use Committee meetings. We expect this to be the appropriate channel for the Girdwood community to communicate in one clear voice. HLBAC will continue to go through the Annual Work Plan Draft at their March 24th meeting. The next critical meeting will be the public hearing to approve HLB Annual Work Plan, currently slated for April 28th at 11:30 AM online via Microsoft Teams. Please “like” Girdwood Inc. on Facebook or fill out the form below to join our newsletter mailing list to receive emails for notification on important upcoming meetings.

Our board would like to extend our thanks for the appreciation shared after our first issue. We received thank you letters and additional information from readers. Our online version was widely shared, and we appreciate your help in getting the word out regarding these important happenings in Girdwood. Until next time!

Girdwood, Inc.

Board of Directors

If you need additional context: see our Newsletter Issue I