Welcome to issue XV of the Girdwood Inc Newsletter! Read on to learn more about the following topics: Girdwood Area Plan moves to Anchorage Assembly, Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project and update on the new Little Bears Building, and the Girdwood Arts and Recreation District project.
Girdwood Area Plan
A message from Imagine Girdwood: “The Anchorage Assembly will hold a public hearing on adoption of the Girdwood Comprehensive Plan on the evening of December 17th. While the Girdwood community has been extensively involved in developing the draft plan over several years, the Assembly decides whether to adopt it or change it. This is your chance to send written comments and/or speak directly to Assembly members before they vote.
The new Girdwood Comprehensive Plan sets the high-level goals and policies for land use and other development within Girdwood Valley, replacing the existing plan which was written over 30 years ago.
More information can be found on imaginegirdwood.org”
Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project
The joint project of Girdwood Inc and Little Bears Playhouse has made exciting new progress. Site clearing occurred in July. Test holes were dug in August to confirm the geotechnical core sample was accurate. In October, the water line and sewer line were installed. The gravel needed for the project was successfully delivered to the site. The building pad will be completed before the end of May 2025 and vertical construction is planned to begin in June 2025. Construction is set to be completed by Spring 2026. Little Bears intends to open its doors to the new facility in Fall 2026.
These important steps are in part due to a wonderful team of volunteers who participate on Building Committee. This includes Joan Lower (Little Bears President), Justina Phillips (Building Committee Chair), Rachel Byers (Little Bears Executive Director) John Rense (Girdwood Inc.), Ana Kaiser and Andrea Anderson. Girdwood Inc would like to express our thanks to these individuals for their time and commitment to making the new and safe childcare facility in Girdwood a reality for decades to come.
Little Bears Playhouse was recently gifted a $132,754 donation by the John Trautner Trust. This is both a step forward for the overall stability of the organization and contribution toward the new building.
Water line install to Childcare BuildingWater line install beginsSewer line install beginsProject gravel delivered on siteWater Line and Sewer line installed October 2024.
Project Anchorage Update:
Girdwood Inc is neutral regarding the Project Anchorage proposed sales tax initiative.
Local Girdwood citizens participated on a working group to submit a proposal to include Girdwood, should the tax pass.
The proposal was chosen by Anchorage Economic Development Corporation, Project Anchorage selection committee, to be included on the slate of proposed projects to be funded, should the initiative pass assembly and move to a vote of the Anchorage voters in April.
Should the project proceed, Girdwood Inc has voted and is willing to be the fiscal sponsor for the project. Girdwood Inc has previously served as fiscal sponsor on: Roundhouse at Alyeska renovation and restoration, Girdwood Library and Community Room project and the Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project (new Little Bears Building).
Girdwood Inc is neutral in regards to the Project Anchorage proposed sales tax initiative.
Local Girdwood citizens participated on a working group to submit a proposal to include Girdwood, should the tax pass. The proposal was chosen by Project Anchorage selection committee.
Should the project proceed, Girdwood Inc has voted and is willing to be the fiscal sponsor for the project. Girdwood Inc has previously served as fiscal sponsor on: Roundhouse at Alyeska renovation and restoration, Girdwood Library and Community Room project and the Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project (new Little Bears Building).
Welcome to issue XIV of the Girdwood Inc Newsletter! Read on to learn more about the following topics: Alyeska Resort Development, Short Term Rental Regulation, Project Anchorage, Girdwood Area Plan public hearing, Girdwood Community Land Trust’s Request for Information on South Townsite, potential RV Park parcel and newest funding secured for Girdwood Inc/Little Bears Playhouse joint project.
Alyeska Resort Development:
In April, Alyeska Resort formally submitted their development plans to the Anchorage Planning Department.
In May, a Resolution of Support for modification to the Alyeska Resort Master Plan and Development plan was discussed and presented at Girdwood Land Use and Girdwood Board of Supervisors.
At the May Land Use Meeting, a motion to support the project via GBOS resolution was made and seconded. It was then amended to remove support for the Glacier Creek subdivision portion of the development plan. An opportunity to vote on the full project as proposed was not discussed or voted upon.
The following week, GBOS voted to approve the Resolution of Support, but removed the exception of Glacier Creek. This passed in a 3-2 vote. Within 24 hours, a special meeting was called to reconsider the vote. At this vote, the decision was made to keep the exception of Glacier Creek and be consistent with the vote that occurred at Land Use. The resolution was forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commissioners in their packet.
On June 3rd the proposed Amendment to the Alyeska Resort Master Plan and Commercial Frag lot plan was approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. During the hearing, it was discussed numerous times that the Glacier Creek subdivision is consistent with the current area plan, but not the newest map submitted to Planning for the Girdwood Area Plan. The area north of the airport has switched from Mixed Use to Open Space on the draft map between February and now. When speaking regarding both housing and recreation, Commissioner Krishna stated, “this seems to be a place where two of Girdwood’s top priorities are in conflict.” This area is proposed for Phase 4 and was given a 2031 timeline by the resort. Development for future phases will require additional future approvals. At this hearing, there was no testimony heard in opposition to any portion of Phase I. Phase I includes the childcare and learning center, recreation center, employee housing, condo building, hotel extension, additional parking and new ski school.
In June, Alyeska Resort and YMCA announced that the two entities have signed a letter of intent for the Recreation facility.
Short Term Rental Regulation:
Municipal-wide Short Term Rental regulation, via AO 2023-110, was passed by Assembly but vetoed by the Mayor. Randy Sulte, in his report to GBOS, mentioned that the Assembly lacks the votes needed to override the veto. Sulte also noted that there might be support within the Assembly for Girdwood-specific regulations.
Girdwood-specific regulations are now being discussed at Girdwood Housing and Economic Committee, Girdwood Land Use and Girdwood Board of Supervisors over the coming months.
Project Anchorage:
Taking inspiration from Oklahoma City, the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation (ADEC) is spearheading an effort to implement a new sales tax package, which also includes a reduction in property taxes. Jenna Wright from ADEC presented the item.
“Project Anchorage is an initiative put forward by a coalition of Anchorage businesses and business leaders to make Anchorage a better place to live, work and play. The initiative would implement a 3% sales tax to be dedicated as follows:
Two thirds of the revenue would go dollar for dollar to lower property taxes, increasing housing affordability and making Anchorage a more attractive place to live and do business.
One third of the revenue would fund projects that make Anchorage a better place to live, work and play.”
Wright indicated that a variety of projects from across the municipality, including Girdwood, will be selected in a package put forward to the assembly. The public is encouraged to submit their project ideas to their website: https://projectanchorage.com/ by September 15, 2024.
Girdwood Area Plan:
The public hearing for the Girdwood Area Plan is scheduled for July 15th 2024 at the Anchorage Loussac Library Assembly Chambers at 6:30 PM.
This is the public’s opportunity to comment or recommend changes to the plan before final approval.
7/14/2024 UPDATE from Imagine Girdwood:
“The Planning Department has proposed that PZC recommend 10 substantive changes to the Comprehensive Plan, including:
Remove requirements for Vegetative Buffers
Remove areas identified for Future Parks
Change land use for area north of airport to Mixed Use rather than Open Space
Extend area of Mixed Use in South Townsite “Squirrel Cages” rather than Open Space
Change land use for area west of Alyeska Basin to Low-Density Residential
Change Upper Valley from Commercial Recreation Reserve to Commercial Recreation
Girdwood Community Land Trust – Request for Information – South Townsite:
If you have taken a walk through Forest Fair park area recently, you may have noticed the flooding occurring again around the pavilion area and beer garden stage. Girdwood Community Land Trust has been holding site visits for interested parties to view the neighboring parcel, to gain insight into how the meandering creek might affect the adjacent lower elevation parcel for future use. To share your thoughts regarding this area, please email girdwoodlandtrust@gmail.com. Responses for the RFI are due by August 15th 2024.
RV Park – HLB Parcel 6-134:
This is the parcel under consideration and discussion at Girdwood Housing and Economic Committee for a permanent RV park. In the Heritage Land Bank Annual Work Plan it states the next steps for this item would be, an approval of the new updated area plan and “Girdwood South Townsite Master Plan – potential update after the GAP (Girdwood Area Plan) is complete.” Efforts will then commence to request a withdrawal from HLB to transfer the parcel to Girdwood Parks and Recreation. This would enable Girdwood Valley Service Area to initiate an RV park feasibility study as the next step.
Funding from State Budget:
Senator Cathy Giessel’s long-standing support for Girdwood continued this legislative session. Senator Giessel’s successful support for $500K in state funding for the much-needed Little Bears / Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project is just the latest she has helped secure funding for. The Senator’s support in previous years was key in funding for the Girdwood Clinic, upgrades to the Alyeska Highway path and other trails in the Valley, spearheading the funding to get the Anchorage Police Department patrol area to include the Seward Highway, among others.
Welcome to Issue XIII of Girdwood Inc’s Newsletter! Significant undertakings are underway in Girdwood. We trust you’ll find value in staying informed about the latest happenings in our neck of the woods. Dive into this issue for updates on ongoing projects, the status of the area plan draft, and an “Everyone For Girdwood” update!
Holtan Hills:
On January 23, 2024, the Anchorage Assembly voted 9-2 in favor of the disposal of Heritage Land Bank parcels known as “Holtan Hills” to CY Investments.
When the initial action was before assembly in 2022, it was presented with very few restrictions and concessions within the ordinance. This prompted a large showing of Girdwood residents to testify before assembly during a massive snowstorm event in December of 2022. The agenda item needed to be extended to another special meeting, in order to hear the hours and hours of testimony.
New substitute versions of the ordinance were drafted (S-versions), with new restrictions and requirements, which appear to have been inspired by the testimony. On January 23, 2024 the assembly included several new amendments working off of the S-2 version, which was reintroduced in December of 2023. One example would be an amendment to prohibit short term rentals on multi-family lots in Phase I, in addition to single family lots. Meg Zaletel had included “At least one multi-family lot for the development of at least 8 units to be drawn from HLB’s portion of profits will be designated for future disposal to a Girdwood housing trust or non-profit entity for the purposes of developing community housing for residents,” in the S-2 ordinance. Another amendment passed January 23, 2024 included increasing the lots available for community housing to two lots, one multifamily and one single family lot, shall now be reserved for community purposes within the development.
The project will now proceed through the planning process, including seeking a conditional use for the planned unit development.
Alyeska Resort Development:
Alyeska Resort presented at a joint Girdwood Board of Supervisors and Land Use Committee meeting on February 7th regarding their development and expansion plans.
“Overview: Pomeroy plans to amend the existing Alyeska Master Plan. Current plan was created by prior owner in 2008. Project has been shaped by public input substantially and makes effort to maintain existing trail connectivity, existing trails and limited impact on wetlands. Amendment is allowed because changes fall within allowable percent of change from prior plan. Pomeroy Lodging is working toward HLB disposal that would provide them land for the Glacier Creek development.
Area Master Plan Amendment: Presentation of the plans that will be used as amendment to the current Alyeska Resort Master Plan. Plan is to build three developments with horizontal gondola to connect. o Alyeska Village: Base of tram area. This area is mainly visitor focused, includes hotel extension, new conference facility, condos, ski school facility. Steep slope allows for ground floor on 2 levels, interconnected walkways. Underground parking. o Moose Meadows: Undeveloped area by the church and back storage area behind existing parking. Development is mainly community related. Facilities planned here are Little Bears, recreation building including pool and skating rink, multiple projects for workforce housing including dorm style, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, and townhomes, grocery and other retail on 1st floor. o Glacier Creek: After completion of the first two developments this project would begin, estimate 10 years from approval. This development will include single family homes, no Short Term Rentals (STRs).” Source: GBOS Minutes
Willam Laurie, Development Manager for Pomeroy Resort stated “All residential in the Moose Meadow area will be workforce housing rentals with no option for Short Term Rentals. Glacier Creek development area will also include a small homes aspect with priority purchasing opportunity for Girdwood locals looking for primary residence.”
“Glacier Creek is a planned single-family, trails-oriented community within the overall Development. Pomeroy is committed to delivering several homes focusing on efficiency and affordability, while offering priority access to locals seeking to purchase a primary residence in the Valley. Pomeroy is actively researching various models employed by municipalities elsewhere, seeking to implement similar approaches in Girdwood such as a lottery system,” Laurie stated.
The location of the Glacier Creek development is throughout the proposed Forest Loop on the Girdwood Area Trail Plan. As of now, the Girdwood Area Plan draft shows the area as “Mixed Use.” The public comments received for the Area Plan will likely dictate the future direction for the area.
Pomeroy has invested approximately $50 million into Alyeska since acquisition. These investments include: 71-Unit Staff Housing Building, Mountain Recreational Vehicles, New Snow Cats, Sky Bridge, Nordic Spa, Completed remodeling of floors 6-8, Continued remodel of remaining floors and lobby spaces, Forte Restaurant Remodel, Aurora Bar and Grill Remodel, Remodel of Gym in Pool area with new equipment.
The projected total for the development and expansion plans are expected to be $350 million+.
Girdwood Area Plan Draft Published:
Imagine! Girdwood published the Girdwood Area Plan draft and map. The Area Plan is the overarching plan that guides future development of the community and a very important document for shaping the valley. We encourage all residents and owners to review the draft. Public Comment on the draft is open until March 31st, 2024.
Images Source: Imagine! Girdwood. View the entire draft plan by visiting https://www.imaginegirdwood.org/
Everyone For Girdwood: An Update
A sincere thank you for attending our fundraiser event and supporting the Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project! We are excited to report that over $80,000 has been raised from local individuals and businesses!
The Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project is a joint effort of Girdwood Inc and Little Bears Playhouse, Inc. Our goal is to build a new and safe childcare facility in Girdwood. You can help this effort in a number of ways! Join our Gratitude Tree that will be located in the new facility with a donation of $100+. Your name will be added as a permanent part of our building.
Girdwood faces both a childcare and housing crisis, which has put immense pressure on the local workforce, businesses, families, and the economy. These challenges extend beyond our community, impacting the available workforce and our ability to provide services to visitors who come to Girdwood for recreation. The splendor of our community relies on the people who live and work here. If they cannot thrive, neither can Girdwood. That is why we are urging EVERYONE to unite FOR GIRDWOOD! By addressing our childcare crisis, we are fostering prosperity for all in Girdwood.
Welcome to a new year and Issue XII of Girdwood Inc’s newsletter!
Community Champion: Jennifer McCombs
We are excited to announce the new Executive Director for Girdwood Inc’s Roundhouse at Alyeska, Jennifer McCombs! Jennifer received her Bachelor of Business Administration from Northeastern State University and a Master of Business Administration from University of Alaska Anchorage.
Jennifer landed in Girdwood in 2007 and has called it home ever since. She has extensive experience in hospitality, logistics, merchandising, sales, and events. Jennifer is a certified yoga teacher and an entrepreneurial artist, owning and operating Active Mountain LLC. You can find her teaching local yoga classes through her business or teaching paint nights through Four Valleys Community School. Jennifer has served on the board of the Girdwood Health Clinic since 2019 and is currently the board President.
Jennifer and her husband share two boys, who both attend Girdwood School. She is an experienced skier and outdoor enthusiast. We are excited with the energy Jennifer is bringing to her new position and are thrilled to have her on the Girdwood Inc Team!
Everyone For Girdwood! An invitation:
We are thrilled to invite you to a special event that promises fun, food, and a fantastic cause. Please mark your calendars for January 25th, 2024, as we gather at the Challenge Alaska Building for an indoor/outdoor extravaganza!
Event Details:
Date: January 25th, 2024
Time: 5-9 PM
Location: Challenge Alaska Building, 366 Crystal Mountain Road, Girdwood, AK
All funds raised will support the Girdwood Workforce Childcare Project, a collaborative effort between Girdwood Inc and Little Bears Playhouse. The mission of this project is to build a new childcare facility for our community, which Little Bears Playhouse will own and operate. Come to learn about our new building and view the latest developments and design. By supporting this cause, you are contributing to the well-being and future of our community’s families and workforce!
What to Expect:
Delicious Food
Fun Music
Refreshing Drinks
Cozy Fire Pits
We have planned an exciting evening for everyone to enjoy, with indoor and outdoor activities to suit all preferences and weather. Let’s come together, celebrate, and make a meaningful impact on our community.
Your presence and support are highly valued, so please purchase your tickets now! We are limited to the capacity of the building for pre-selling tickets, make sure you get yours today! View ticket options at: https://girdwoodinc.org/shop/
Adult Ticket: $20
Child Ticket: $10
We can’t wait to see Everyone For Girdwood on January 25th, 2024, for an unforgettable evening of community, celebration, and generosity.
If you are unable to attend, there are a number of ways you can contribute to this effort:
To learn more about progress of the project, we encourage you to visit www.girdwoodinc.com/childcare/
Holtan Hills, Back on Assembly Agenda:
Three Anchorage Assembly Members laid the HLB disposal, commonly known as Holtan Hills, on the table at the December 19th, 2023, assembly meeting. The sponsor, Meg Zaletel, moved the item with Daniel Volland making a second, and Kevin Cross, as the third. The South Anchorage assembly members, who represent Girdwood, Randy Sulte and Zac Johnson, were given notice minutes before the meeting began, about the laid on the table item. Girdwood Board of Supervisors were also not made aware of the item being laid on the table.
Several Girdwood residents came to testify at the January 9th hearing. You can view the agenda item and their testimony by clicking “play” below. As published in advance, the sponsor motioned to continue the public hearing on January 23rd at the regular assembly meeting, which is scheduled to begin at 5:00 PM.
To view the most recent Assembly Ordinance, AO 2023-137 regarding the disposal click here.
To view the associated Assembly Memorandum click here.
Girdwood Board of Supervisors has added the item on their January 22nd meeting agenda. This will be held at the Girdwood Community Room and on Microsoft Teams at 7:00 PM.
The newest version of the Girdwood Area Plan Draft Map is set to be presented January 10, 2024 at the Imagine Girdwood special meeting. Information for upcoming meetings below: